on effectuating Change … (01/08/10)

“What we need in the world today is not more ideas, not more blue prints, not bigger and better leaders, but goodwill, affection, Love and kindness. Love is the only solution …The individual is what the world is, and without transformation of the individual there can be no transformation in the world.” ~ Murdo MacDonald-Bayne

Indeed, we must transform ourselves in order to transform our relationships — for our world consists of a mass of interrelationships; nothing more or less.  To alter the way our world functions, we must have the courage to alter the foundation of that world.  And the foundation of our reality is how we choose to interact with those around us.

So will you continue to react emotionally to those who offend you, thereby perpetuating the conflict-based reality that we have co-created?  Or will you join the tens of thousands men and women around the world who are already making the courageous choice to act a different way (and thereby build a different world)?

When offended, have the courage to forgive … When robbed, have the courage to give … When attacked, have the courage to respond with kindness … Our species stands on the brink of death.  All the behaviors and beliefs and mentalities we have tried up to now have failed.

Selfless caring is the only alternative we have yet to employ.

So come join us today — Show the strength to be a true Human Being.

Show the strength to care for those who are “least deserving”.

Show the strength to “be Kind when least inclined”.