on Good Parenting … (01/07/10)
There seems to be lots of talk these days about “America’s youth” — how young people in this country seem to be steeped in superficial pleasures and seem to show an acute lack of respect for others.
Well, first of all, I have experienced a very different picture of America’s youth. I have seen young people planting gardens, cleaning up graffiti, helping elderly neighbors, and tutoring their peers. I have seen young people taking a stand against crime and war and drugs (including cigarette abuse) and callousness — stands that many adults refuse to take. I have seen that young people in this society do care and that they are already making a positive difference. I have been inspired by many of them …
And what of the youth who are indeed immersed in the world of violence and drug-abuse and social apathy? How can we reach them and offer them a way back into a life that is meaning-full and filled with Joy?
Dalton Roberts made a bold statement that resonates with great Truth:
“Nothing will cut through a child’s fears ands doubts like seeing a parent [or mentor] in the throes of deep, passionate reverence and awe.” — So true!
And yet how do we show the youth in our communities this reverence? How do we evince this awe?
Rest assured that it goes far beyond the confines of any particular religion. True reverence and awe for life is shown in those moments when you least want to be kind, and yet you choose to be kind anyway; when you least want to forgive, and yet you forgive anyway; when you least want to help, and you help willingly anyway.
This is what it means to be a “good parent”. After all, children do not listen to what we say — They listen to what we DO.
Dalton’s grandmother might have summed it up best when she said: “The best way to teach young people respect for their elders is to treat young people with respect.”
Let us all resolve to go forth today and be a beacon of Kindness to our young people — by treating them with Kindness!