What is true Repentance? … (09/09/10)
“Early in my spiritual work I saw it was absolutely necessary for me to get out of a sin and shame-based view of man … We have allowed those who hold that view to shape too much of our theology.” ~ Dalton Roberts
There are several enlightening ways to look at the concept of repentance. The first of which is to simply look at the meaning of the word itself — with the biblical Hebrew meaning “to return to God via sorrow” and the biblical Greek meaning “to think differently afterward”. Neither of these meanings has anything to do with shame or guilt or self-degradation. Instead, they relate to the most intimate form of empathy; compassion, which requires that one have the humility and the kindness to feel another’s pain that we have caused. And if we have the courage to feel that pain, then we will inevitably have the courage to take steps to lessen it; not because we are ‘guilty” and should do so, but because we recognize the other as our brother/sister and we want to do so.
Of course, another potent way to look at repentance is related to how it affects us differently when we practice it in different ways. Traditional, guilt-based “repentance” has us turning inward in self-criticism. Our subsequent actions are weakened energetically and morally as a result. On the other hand, true Repentance has no concern at all for self, and as a consequence is both powerful and virtuous. The former brings dis-ease while the latter brings harmony.
So, the three steps to Peace-full & Power-full repentance for any misdeeds are:
FEEL the other’s pain …
ACT to Lessen that Pain …
& Persist in LOVE.