on remembering our Oneness … (03/19/11)

“We are one, after all, you and I.  Together we suffer, together exist, and forever will recreate each other.” ~ Teilhard de Chardin

We do not truly become One with our environment until we choose to act accordingly.

To truly become One with this world that is our Home; to truly know the Bliss that comes with acting as gentle-yet-courageous Stewards of this great garden we call the Earth, we must choose to actively Care for everything on it.

We cannot hope to ever be truly satisfied with life while we idly sit back and allow our forests to be cut down and our rivers to be polluted and our whales to be slaughtered.

If we are ever to know what it is to be truly HUMAN, we have — each one of us — simply got to GET UP out of our soft-yet-stinky chairs of paralysis and DO SOMETHING — ANYTHING — for the other beings with whom we are sharing the ride.