What motivates you to Love? … (11/03/11)

At first I tried to love others in order to attain “true happiness” for myself, and that never really worked … My euphoria always faded, and I always felt that something BIG was “missing”.

Then, I tried to love others in order to “help them” or “fix them” … That never really worked either … Most folks didn’t appreciate me judging them as “less than”, much less my attempts to “save them”.

As such, these days I Love others simply to Love them — because the alternative is self-centered misery; and because I really believe that Love — when given purely without any hope of receiving anything in return, always brings others a deep-seated Peace & a subtle Joy, even if I never see any direct evidence of the same.

It simply feels “Good” & “Right” to Care for people unconditionally; to do anything I can to bring them Peace … So I Love them.

It’s that simple, really …