the miracle of consciousness … (10/23/11)

We are soooo much more than the mere flesh & bones & blood that make up bodily “machines” in which our Souls reside. Even a few of history’s most notable scientists affirm this Truth (see below). Of course, it doesn’t really matter whether our consciousness comes from evolutionary accident or Divine Providence. It only matters what we choose to do with this amazing gift in the limited time we ha…ve to use it. And there is no more potent way to cherish this blessing than to be sorely tempted to react emotionally to an attacker, and yet choose instead to extend him or her a gentle hand of kindness. This is what it means to be truly conscious … This is what it means to be a Human Being!


“In my search for the secret of Life, I ended up with atoms and electrons which have no Life in them at all. Somewhere along the line, Life has run out through my fingers. So I am now retracing my steps.” ~ Albert Szent-Gyoergi (Nobel Laureate in physiology)

“It seems to me pretty plain that there is a third thing in the Universe, to wit, consciousness, which I cannot see to be matter or force or any conceivable combination of either.” ~ Thomas Huxley (Darwin Medal winning biologist)

“We can admittedly find nothing in physics or chemistry that has even a remote bearing on consciousness. Yet all of us know there is such a thing as consciousness simply because we have it ourselves. Hence consciousness must be apart of Nature, or, more generally, of Reality. Which means that quite apart from the laws of physics and chemistry, we must also consider laws of a quite a different kind.” ~ Neils Bohr (Nobel Laureate in physics)

P.S. I guess that means that championing the atheistic belief that consciousness arises solely from molecular interactions in the brain requires an enormous leap of Faith … 😉