Psalm 92:12 … Flourish & Grow (03/02/11)
To be truly at Peace with our lives, we must choose to “flourish like the palm tree, and grow like a cedar.” (Psalm 92:12)
To do so, it is necessary to ……
Have a live heart like the palm (2 Corinthians 4:16), and yet have a skin that is alive like the cedar, receptive to having empathy for the lives of others.
Bend in the face of the winds of discord like the palm (1 Peter 5:6), and yet have the strength of the cedar — the faith & character to withstand any gale.
Send roots (of worship) deep like the palm (Isaiah 37:31), and yet send those roots out broadly like the cedar to respectfully embrace the Truths of other faiths.
Let your fruit (your actions) remain sweet (caring) throughout your lifetime like the palm (Psalm 92:14), and yet remain immune to the seasons like the cedar, remaining joyful in times of loss & defeat as well as during the harvests of blessing and victory.