Goodness simply IS … (07/31/11)

“We generally interpret the world so heavily in terms of good & bad, happy & sad, nice & not nice,

that the world doesn’t get a chance to speak for itself.” ~ Pema Chodron


To accept the dark side of others, we must Care for them during their darkest times.

To accept the dark side of ourselves, we must choose to act as a Being of Love during our times of shadow.

We are all so much more than the self-help books and our own egos would have us believe!

… funny how amazingly CLEAR life speaks when we just shut up and LISTEN to what it’s telling us …

Hint: to “shut up” and be able to HEAR, you must first identify all your hopes — to then dismiss them;

then identify all your dreams — to then release them; and then identify all your desires — to then crumple them up and throw them away.

What you will be left with is everything that actually exists in your Here&Now; everything that actually IS in your life.

And of those things, whatever is causing you Joy is to be shared with others,

and whatever is causing you pain is showing you where to Care (i.e. for the source of the same).