conservative & liberals & Love … (07/08/11)

“Many of us find ourselves estranged from the narrow issues that define conservatives

and from the shallow spirituality that marks liberals.” ~ Shane Claiborne
I am liberal regarding things that must change (apathy for strangers),

and I am conservative regarding things that should remain the same (cherishing our friendships).

Gibran is partially correct: “You cannot truly know Love unless you let it shatter you”.

And yet, Life reminds us all that it is we – with our own hopes & expectations – that do the shattering;

and that it is Love that actually makes us Whole again.

There is the shattering of our Peace that tears us asunder every time we yearn & long,

and then there is the Shattering of that shattering that comes from the True Self —

that gently washes over us every time we let go of our hopes & dreams in order to simply Love.