Tales from the Trail #11: A most religious Rest-stop …

It became quickly clear to me that Highway 60W – a road with frequent traffic and little shade and no stable shoulders to speak of – was without doubt a highway that should only be walked in the very dead of night. And yet I was already well on my way that morning by the time this truth became obvious, so I simply wobbly hobbled along – trying my best to “dodge” oncoming traffic and relishing the random respites provided by the occasional shade-tree I came to along the route. In truth, things were once more not looking great for yours truly, and yet I persisted onward anyway (not really having much in the way of alternate choices at the time – one of those moments in life when there truly was no turning back) …

I eventually rounded a bend in the road to see the Graefenburg Christian Church off to my right. And here it was that I quite gratefully paused – removing my shoes & socks and elevating my swollen feet for awhile (resting them on a bench emblazoned with “Matthew 11:28”*, no less), and then sleeping quite soundly there for several hours in the glorious shade provided by its blessed carport. Yes, it was a bit disturbing to see that someone had made the children’s swings on its nearby playground look like crosses (a fitting metaphor for religious indoctrination in general, in hindsight) and it was equally agitating to watch a local sheriff use the church’s driveway as a speed-trap hideout (though I guess slower traffic was always a good thing for any pedestrian pilgrim), and yet I remain thankful for the brief oasis of calm this place offered me on this day in a time of very real need.

*“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” ~ Jesus Christ (Matthew 11:28)