2005 … Finally knowing the How

I had already known for many months what I was to share with others (namely, the Truth that acts of willing self-sacrifice always function for a far greater Good), and yet it was the late spring of this year when I finally realized how I was to do so – when the book “Peace Pilgrim: Her Life and Work In Her Own Words” (feel free to go to www.peacepilgrim.org) literally fell off a bookshelf and landed at my feet. Thereafter, while reading its marvelous contents, it became readily apparent that this was the answer I had been looking for all along – that hers was exactly the sort of itinerant-minimalist lifestyle that would encourage people to approach me (and thus be open to whatever I could share with them) instead of the other way around (where the same words would in all likelihood be rejected as being too “arrogant” or “zealous”) …

“Love is the willingness to give fully, without a single thought of receiving anything in return.” ~ Peace Pilgrim