Day 146e: Choosing to walk in Reverence … (September 22, 2019)
“Our Earth is a perpetual symbol of hope and an infinite provider of grace. And so it is that we should all walk across her in humble reverence – always purposefully, like we are going somewhere, yes, and yet also ever attentively, as if we are caressing her very Soul with each footfall … Tourists travel to sacred places in order to awaken that which lies sleeping within them. Pilgrims journey differently, not to escape the world by ‘going within’, but rather walking upon the earth in order to enter it more deeply. Indeed, that is often the only way we can open the doors to our own hearts, to realize quite profoundly that the whole of the earth & every being living upon the same lives inside our human heart as well.” ~ inspired by Michael B. Johnson & Thomas L. Qualls