Day 144b: Gifts given boldly in the Night … (September 20, 2019)

It was funny how some of my most meaningful encounters on this Walk happened in the dead of night (or in this case, the wee wee hours of the not yet evident morn), and on this night the same occurred, when super-friendly Dan pulled over on his way home from a long night’s work to offer me his reflective vest, and then just-as-friendly Amanda offered me my pick of beverages from her Roadside Market & Deli (in the township of Strawberry Plains) cooler and the loan of her store’s scissors to remove (and keep) the reflective tape from the vest’s heavily soot-stained form …

We cannot effectively live our lives relying solely on our own counsel, our own wisdom, our own strength and our own visions. For life to be thick and real, it must be something much more than just a self-serving existence. It is a little-appreciated fact that the self-serving life is always – ultimately – a self-destructive one. So it’s essential for us to regularly & bravely be of service to a cause greater than ourselves … So let us all waste no more time pondering or discussing or arguing about how a Good Man should be. Just set forth today and Be One!” ~ inspired by Ralph White & Marcus Aurelius