Day 138n: The shortest route to GOD … (September 14, 2019)
On & on & on & on I walked into the night, and for many hours the Way provided neither water nor a place to even rest for but a moment. And then finally I came across the kingdom hall refuge of a local chapter of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and I gratefully lay down on its carport bench and pseudo-slept for a few peaceful (but admittedly not-so-comfortable) hours …
“I thought I had nothing to be grateful for today, but then the Universe became completely quiet for just a moment – which was more than long enough for me to hear my heart beating true to the rhythm of my life … Living in the moment allows us to escape the lonely landscape of self-interest and instead re-become part of a larger world, one that is constantly overflowing with beauty and reverence and love and adoration … And it is when we are most troubled in life that the veil between what is “normal” and what is miraculous becomes the thinnest; the time when our Love becomes its strongest and our gratitude for life itself most attenable. So be grateful for all your ordeals, my friends. For they are indeed the shortest route back to the Divine.” ~ inspired by Karen Baquiran & Kilroy Oldster