on Clarity … (02/11/09)

“Clarity is freedom from obscurity.

It is Light …

It is Truth …

Not “universal truth”, but your own authentic truth — the truth that reveals itself to you when you willingly question and then dispel any shadow that has been shrouding any part of your life — causing you hardships, setbacks and weakness.

Each time you clarify a part of your life you come closer to your authentic self.

Clarity is as close to you as lack of clarity. Both are available to you at all times.

You are the chooser, and you can only choose properly when what is trivial, redundant and outmoded in your conditioning is clarified and removed.” ~ Maureen Moss

What is outmoded is what brings us suffering.  What brings us suffering is self-centeredness.  And the only way to effectively remove our outmoded self-centeredness is to actively replace it with Love in those moments it surfaces.

Consider this gently …