Day 121i: My final striving Desire … (August 28, 2019)

You never know what’s around the corner. It could be everything, or it could be nothing. It could be the spectacular, or it could be the humdrum. And yet none of that ever really matters. For you just keep putting one foot in front of the other, over & over & over & over again, and then one day you look back and realized you’ve climbed an entire mountain … I was transformed the day my ego shattered. And all the superficial, material things that somehow mattered so much to me before, suddenly ceased to matter to me at all. And that was the day that I really came into being; the day that I no longer cared one jot or tittle about what the world thought of me – only instead on striving desire to change the world.” ~ inspired by Tom Hiddleston & Suzy Kassem

Life was meant to be fully lived, and as such our LOVE must be kept fully alive. This means that we must never, for whatever reason, turn our backs on life. And this also means that we must always, regardless of circumstances, keep our arms and our hearts open to others … There is no such thing as an ordinary person. Everyone we meet is pricelessly unique and innately good and fully worthy of our Respect & indeed our Kindness. So let us resolve to remember the same. Let us resolve to go forth today and act accordingly.” ~ inspired by Eleanor Roosevelt & C.S. Lewis