Day 116f: Peace-fully crashing the Party … (August 23, 2019)

I then ambled into the outskirts of Glascow and passed a public park where Elli Runner-Draper was having her high school graduation party – a lively affair that she & her mother (Rebecka) exuberantly without hesitation offered to let me join (!!!) …

And this is what Jesus clearly had in mind: folks coming together and forming close-knit communities and joyfully meeting each other’s needs– all of everyone’s needs. There were no kings and no presidents and no lords and no mayors; no money and no welfare systems and no demands made by regulation or law. His is a theology and practice for all of us – for all the Children of God, not a set of suggestions for an empire … In truth, the essence of any truly viable community, both its heart and its soul, is the non-monetary exchange of goods & services, based solely on who happens to be in need of the same. In his far more heavenly kingdom, we do things simply to bring others peace and we share things just because we can. That is all.” ~ inspired by Shane Claiborne & Dee Hock