Day 116b: Heading back out, heading back In …(August 23, 2019)

Yet another town, yet another smooth departure therefrom …

Like a house that has a home and like any river that flows, so does Love real become when we open our hearts, and this is true even when the lights go out and even when the river encounters rocks in its way … I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had no where else to go; that the only option available to me was to get up and get out there and Care. My own wisdom and that of all about me seemed insufficient for that day, and yet my integrity – my decision to keep rising and walking for all that is Good & Decent & Kind & True & Just in the world – proved every day to be more than enough … Enlightened minds have Caring hands, and Caring hands never follow rules, they always follow their Heart.” ~ inspired by Goitsemang Mvula, Abraham Lincoln & Amit Kalantri