Day 115e: A most familial Flow … (August 22, 2019)

And onward I flowed into the day, as easily as the waters that were seen meandering down the crossed over Cobb Creek, smoothly into the township of Darby and the Darby Free Library, where resident Fatuma (pictured) and librarian Joyce were both effusive in their wonderment over the Hows of The Walk and their praises of the Whys thereof. And then thereafter it was once more back out onto The Road, this time crossing over an equally malleable Darby Creek before heading onward into the further outskirts of the Philadelphia metropolis …

Cobb Creek
Darby Creek

Milton once professed a love for everything that flows, all the rivers and the winds and the prairies and the forests; all the sunbeams and the shadows and the soliloquies and the sonnets … Of course, the most essential part of it all is to remember that love itself – real love; love, the caring deed; love the selfless verb – is a flow; that love itself is meant to flow; that love itself has a current. And it is up to each of us to take that love and let it wash over everything nearby in every moment you can. Love is the essence if it all, without doubt, and Love will flow ever onward – because that is the nature of Love. That said, we cannot experience this great & final wonderment unless we remove our smaller selves from Love’s path and let it flow wherever it will – which is, of course, everywhere.” ~ inspired by Henry Miller & Alan Watts