The IS of Incognito (February 29th) …

February 29The IS of Incognito: “Disappear” for the day … Let loved ones know that you’re doing so (though do not tell them, or anyone else, where you’re going) and head somewhere you’ve never been before while keeping your name and personal history to yourself. You are allowed to invent a “new persona” (what some call “going undercover”) while there … Feel how Free your Are, feeling how Thank-full you are for the relationships in your Life.

Often, the best way to perceive what is hidden is to purposefully choose to NOT look for it. Often, the best way to rediscover a facet of True Self is to purposefully behave in ways NOT in alignment with it. Often, the best way to comprehend a Truth is to purposefully try to NOT understand it.

And this is the intention behind today’s task of “disappearing”. For indeed (in-deed!), in order to reawaken your own True Self – a person who is by nature actively Caring – it might prove helpful to simply do a passive form of the opposite; to simply seclude that Self from any opportunity to courageously interact with others.

Maybe if we immerse ourselves in solitude, we will remember (and then re-member) how good it feels to interact with others.

Maybe if we disguise our previous identities, we will remember (and then re-member) how special we are – how worthy we are to let loose and bravely BE ourSelves.

Maybe if we purposefully “look the other way” when we come across others’ pain & suffering, we will remember (and the re-member) that we can – alone with our Kindness & compassion – Power-fully influence the lives of those others.

Maybe the more you dismantle the separate identity you have created over time, the more likely it will be for you to remember (and then to re-member) that you are actually an equal facet of The One.

And maybe, just maybe, if you seclude yourself for a day from others, you will know how so many of your brothers & sisters feel every day of their lives.

And then maybe, just maybe, you might go forth tomorrow and do something about it.

See you when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
