the May You’s … (09/15/08)

May you sup contentedly on the fragrant wine of your life.

May you stretch eagerly into the opening light of each new day.

May you re-discover kernels of wisdom hidden in all unwanted experiences.

May you find the consolation of gratitude when you are hurting,

May you hear the tender voice of the Beloved calling you from the depth of your Being.

May you be a bearer of loving kindness to all those you meet who are suffering.

May you gather your daily blessings to your heart and relish their presence.

May you persevere in seeking greater peace fr yourself and fr the wold.

May you got to sleep each evening aware of being held in the warm embrace of God.

May you hear the Music of the Spheres singing in your Soul,

lauding the exquisite Gift it is to be Alive and Aware.”

~ inspired by Joyce Rupp