Day 109g: The divinity of Deja … (August 16, 2019)

I was deep into the early outskirts of Newark when I saw and then entered the Blue Print Cafe, where Deja joyfully and respectfully offered me a cool glass of water, a bevy of vegan doughnut samples, and a heavy dose of kindness (all to the background music of Erykah Badu) …

Some folks say that in order to Win at Life we must work hard and complain less and listen more and choose to learn and grow. Of course, none of this is even remotely true. For what use is working hard if you only do so for yourself? And what good is complaining less when you only revel in your own blessings? And what purpose is listening more if we only do so to secure friends and hold them fast? And what comes from learning & growing if no one else benefits thereby? … No, my friends, there is only one real way to WIN at LIFE, and that is to give everything one has way in every moment one has to give it. In truth , mere happiness is always reaped for self, and is thereby as fleeting as it is happenstance-dependent. Joy, on the other hand, comes when bringing peace to others, and is thereby lasting & ever-available.” ~ inspired by Germany Kent & Helen Girangregorio