Day 107n: Returning again into the ONE … (July 30, 2019)

Buoyed by the many loving reunions with which I had been blessed on this day, the final leg of walking proved to be powerful and easy, and it was with high spirits and a strong gait that I rounded my next beautiful bend and saw Santiago once more …

There are certain places that exist among the endless abodes of every region & major city, places that seem to be sanctuaries from the drone of duty, immune to any hustle and bustle or the shrill sounds of hope & fury that in the end change nothing for their yearners. Like long-unopened books of thick wisdom sitting upon dusty shelves, there exist certain places filled with greater knowledge – places that have somehow been saved from extinction. And yet buried as they are by time and the obscurities of a more modern culture, there abides in them yet a Seed of Peace awaiting the proper condition for germination. And it is from such forgotten places as these – when & if they are ever visited by seekers both gentle and sincere – that gigantic oaks of Goodness sprout; a communal harmony long overdue – a Love whose day has finally come.” ~ inspired by James Rozoff