Day 107e: Making sense of the meandering Way … (July 30, 2019)

The only way to make sense out of life’s changes & challenges is to plunge into them, to move with them, to dance alongside them … The land exerts itself on all and ever has its effect. Whether we are roughed up or soothed, exhilarated or depressed, assisted or wholly prevailed upon, kindness is always available and a humble smile is ever an option. And approaching life this way will ever be accompanied by a deeper serenity – a peace that comes to those who need not attain a certain goal or arrive at a specific destination; a peace that comes to those who let themselves join with all around them and flow the way their surroundings warrant. These are the ones whose integrity never wavers and yet whose actions change as the scene changes, whose views and objectives shift as the sky clouds or clears. Their love is constantly given wholeheartedly, and yet its form and fashion is never the same. They know that Nature is alive and ever scintillating, and that their Love must walk that same undulating Way. They see their path as ever-glowing, and they allow their Love to glow along with it.” ~ inspired by Alan Watts & Jill Frayne