Color-roaming (February 21st) …

February 21Color-Roaming: Take a few moments this morning and identify both your most-favorite & least-favorite colors (If they are still pertinent, use the same colors from February 13’s task). All morning thereafter, let your least-favorite color make your “decisions” for you, saying “yes” to it all morning. At lunchtime, head out and “follow” that color for 10 minutes. At the end of that walk, find a restaurant nearby and eat either where you can see that color &/or eat food that contains that color. When finished, thank the color for lunch and head back to work/school … For the rest of the day, look for, pay attention to and “follow” the other hue – your most-favorite color. After work/school, buy dinner from the first restaurant where you see that hue. When finished, thank your favorite color for the food and head home … Before going to bed, reflect on what you experienced today. Bonus Activity: Research the archetypal meanings of these two colors and think about your experiences today in light of their innate meanings (email me if you need help here).

If you will remember, the colors I identified for February 13th’s task were “muntella” (the orange-yellow that is one of my favorite hues) and “brosa” (the bright pink that is my least favorite shade).

I thought the biggest challenge was going to be finding foods to match (I don’t eat macaroni & cheese anymore, nor do I chew bubble gum), but two fruits came to the rescue – ripe mangoes (interestingly also one of my favorite fruits to eat) and a ripe watermelon (interestingly enough also my least favorite fruit to eat).

The point of the task, of course, was not fulfilling the “requirement” of eating foods that matched those two colors, but rather the enhanced awareness it required to actively look for those hues during my everyday activities. Any time we consciously engage our consciousness, it acts like fitness training for our ability to be spontaneously aware of our Here&Now in the future. It makes us that much more likely that we will actually pause and really SEE our lives.

See You when I see you …

and until then, Be Now!
