Day 100n: When the All becomes the ONE … (July 23, 2019)

I had always believed that we leave a bit of us behind wherever we went, and I just as ardently believe that we take a bit of every place with us whenever we move along. And I never felt that truth more than while walking a pilgrimage – whether it was across the plains of Spain or down to my local drugstore. Somehow the act of walking purposefully always deeply touched the places tread; somehow trodding along these paths and roads and sidewalks meant something; and somehow doing so intensely – reaching out gently yet boldly to all I encountered along the way – always added another column to my being. And the only possible explanation I could ever find for that particular feeling was that an actual Spirit existed in all the places I visited, and that a similar Spirit existed in me while I visited them, and that the two somehow met & re-met themselves continually in the course of all those travels. It’s as if the innate godliness of the land and the latent godliness of others and the inborn godliness of my own being all became repeatedly fused in my walking.” ~ inspired by Bruce Feiler