Day 100l: Friends from afar so near … (July 23, 2019)

It was shortly thereafter that I met Aron (from Germany) and Lisa (from Zimbabwe) and an immediately fast Friendship began the very instant they sincerely asked about (and then wholeheartedly listened to the sharing of) the nature of my Walk. And share with me they did as well – about the BIG LOVE that imbues the camino itself, and about the pathside font just before Cee from which springs forth the most delicious and fulfilling water along the entire Camino, and about the emotional openness that must (at least to some significant degree) be present in any pilgrim before he or she chooses to walk any pilgrimage … What truly wonderful people, these two were (and still remain, no doubt), and what a blessing to be so well-met along the glorious Way!

Nature is like Love is like Friendship – if you choose to SEE it bigger; to embody it with your actions more than announce it with your words, then you never have to worry about owning it or keeping it or losing it. You simply become it, and then it’s always yours to share.” ~ inspired by Lisa

There is a such a profound Wealth in people that, if you wait long enough and quietly enough, the same can’t help but make itself known.” ~ inspired by Aron