Day 100j: There is PEACE in Perseverance … (July 23, 2019)

The dance between exertion and recuperation in life is an intriguing one, and never more obvious than on a pilgrimage. There is nothing “wrong” or “better” about either of the two, of course. Rest is fine when it is time to rest, as long as one remembers to then continue onward when it is time to go – and as long as one’s journey is undertaken for another(s) more than for oneself …

Some days are sweetened with pure, but fleeting joy. And still we keep keeping on. Some days consist of a sorrow that tries to break you. And still we keep keeping on. Some days are filled with bright, warm light that clearly shows the path to follow. And still we keep keeping on. Some days are filled with calm and peace in times of rest. And still we keep keeping on. Some days are filled with a violent commotion that tries its best to disrupt our inner harmony. And still we keep keeping on. Some days we must pause for a time – until we can rise and keep on keeping on. And some days are filled with the recognition of Life – the lovely journey we wouldn’t trade for anything. And so we keep keeping on.” ~ via Connie Kerbs