Day 100h: To find the already Known … (July 23, 2019)

In the end it is the essential spirit that animates those places that animate me. And if that spirit is God, then therein we find God. And if that spirit is Life, then therein we find life. And if that spirit is awe, then therein we find awe. The greater part of me suspects that the truth is composed of all three, and that all we have to do to rediscover that spirit and the resulting feeling of humility and appreciation and connection was not to look at it or listen to it or taste it or feel it. No, all we have to do is truly & deeply remember it – by recognizing that we are an embodiment of it, and that it is an embodiment of us. And then at that point all that remains is for us to smile and stride forth and live accordingly.” ~ inspired by Bruce Feiler