Day 100e: The Ever in every step … (July 23, 2019)

Walking as a pilgrim walks – unbound by the more common constraints of expected convention or concrete itinerary, inspires a fuller absorption of life – compelling one to take in through the pores both the height of the mountains & the shape of the hills; demanding that one completely appreciate the undulations of the river & the thick lushness of every glen and forest. When one walks as a pilgrim walks, the body becomes steeped in the earth it treads. And thus, gradually, it stops being in the landscape and becomes the landscape itself. And yet this doesn’t have to mean dissolution, as if the walker were fading away to become a mere inflection or a footnote. It’s more a flashing moment of raw Oneness: a sudden spark of interconnection, like time & place catching fire. And here, the feeling of eternity is all at once that vibration between the presences of self & surroundings. Eternity, here, in a spark. Eternity, here, in every step” ~ inspired by Frédéric Gros