Day 099m: Refusing to go Blind … (July 22, 2019)

Serendipity is finding lemonade on the wayside at the hottest part of the day. Bliss is choosing to be the source of that same Good Fortune …

We are all equal in the fact that we share the same degree of specialness. And we are all the same in the fact that we will never be an indelible same. We are united by the simple reality that all colors and all cultures and all creeds are in truth both distinct & individual. And though as such we will ever be vastly different, we are also innately harmonious – in the single reality of our shared planetary home and our shared calling to Do the Good we can each do while walking upon it. We may not share a common blood or heritage, and yet we do share a common purpose – just as we share the air that keeps us all equally alive. So with this in mind I will not blind myself and say that my Black brother is not different from me or that my Brown sister is not different from me or that my nonhuman friends are not different from me. And yet I will just as devoutly refuse to blind myself to the fact that my Black brother is indeed my brother and that my Brown sister is indeed my sister and that my animal friends are my cousins all.” ~ inspired by C. JoyBell C.