Day 099k: Rectified by the Rectory … (July 22, 2019)

True to local form, the St. Xulian pathside church (Igrexa de San Xiao do Camiño) was all aglow on this day as well, and I received just as much respite & solace from its peaceful confines as I did later while sitting on its stone bench outside …

Much of religion is about trying to force others to become something they are not, while God’s desire in sending us out into the world to serve, on the other hand, is about enabling us to become something we innately are: namely, Children of God since birth – members of the species-wide Body of Christ – a global community that knows and extends God’s shalom to every other sentient being in the world.” ~ inspired by C. Andrew Doyle

If the Divine has called you to a certain task or service, the most ignorant question to ask is whether you have the ability to fulfill it, while the wisest question to ask is “How soon can I get started?’” ~ via Craig D. Lounsbrough