on freedom from addictions … (07/30/09)

In freeing ourselves from any addiction, the first step is admitting that we have one.  The even bigger step is for that person to then recognize that the addiction is not something to fight, but something to employ.  And while only experiencing this first-hand will enable you to truly understand it, remember while you do so that your Journey is not a continuum.  You do not have to “get better” or “get well” or even “get sober” — trying to do so only makes your ego stronger; gives it yet another weapon to employ in its attempts to dominate your Soul-Self (or conscience).

And yet, it you live life gently, one moment at a time, your ego will provide less and less resistance, and you will be able to more easily replace self-centered urges with selfless acts of caring.

Sounds simple, and yet I know it isn’t!  Just take it all one moment at a time, though, and your True Self will see you through.  Keep telling your ego/addiction that you might have succumbed in the past and that you might succumb in the future, and yet in this moment (and only for that moment) you will not succumb — you will instead use its power to make any replacement-activity you choose a powerful one.  And then all that remains is to repeat this act in as many of your daily moments as possible …

Feeling the urge to drink a pot of coffee?  Pause and consciously drink a powerful cup of herbal tea instead — one cup at a time.  Feeling the urge to gossip about another?  Pause and consciously issue a powerful compliment to them instead — one phrase at time.  Feeling the urge to have a drink?  Pause and consciously go for a powerful run — one step at a time.

Some have said (and I have verified this, albeit only for myself) that any behavior consciously engaged for 29 days becomes a new habit.  29 days — one day at a time — one hour at a time — one moment at a time.  And if you slip, forgive yourself immediately and get right back to it!  If you persist, your freedom is assured.