Day 098v: The privilege to humbly Try … (July 21, 2019)

I meet with with fellow pilgrims Linda & David a few kilometers outside the city of Portmarin and a very intriguing conversation ensues (mostly engaged by Linda, and mostly listened to by David). It seemed that Linda happened to be a “Zone 2 aficionado” (i.e. any person, sometimes affixed with the “New Age” title, who firmly believes that we are here to learn more than serve, that we cannot love others without first loving ourselves, &/or that we can only attain any measure of true happiness by engaging in various self-help modalities that encourage one to “go within” and thereby “become enlightened”) and we happily chatted for quite awhile about Leylines and Labyrinths and the like – with Linda being an amicably avid proponent of self-care and me gently trying to steer the conversation towards selfless service & radical kindness. It took quite some time, and yet we did eventually start to more fully commune when agreement was reached regarding practical evolution – namely, that by far the most potent & efficient way for anyone to “attain access to a higher dimension” or “manifest a new reality” was to actively & courageously Do Good for others, and yet no sooner was said harmony attained than David decided he had heard enough, interrupting our conversation to lead us away from Portmarin’s traditional staircase-entryway and towards a nearby swimming pool bar where the music was booming so loudly that any further conversation was impossible. It was at that point that we shared an amusingly awkward farewell, and I smiled gently to the world while walking onward – up & into Portmarin proper …

Treat people with understanding whenever you can; treat them with kindness whenever you can’t.” ~ inspired by Kim Harrison

We haven’t been summoned to save the world.” ~ Linda
“No, and yet it is indeed our privilege to repeatedly try.” ~ Scaughdt