Day 095c: Bananas & the Basilica … (July 18, 2019)

I then set back out onto The Way, walking smoothly through Ponferrada proper – munching joyfully on the banana chips & mango juice that Naisah had given as a parting blessing for my journey, and stopping briefly IN to the beautiful Basilica Virgen de la Encina on my way out of town …

The Divine’s invitation to vocation steadily & inevitably erodes the compartmentalization between our spiritual and our professional lives. In truth, in the divine worldview, the Way of Peace is ever active and ever humble; requiring flagrant courage & full participation. Indeed, we cannot claim to be one person in one particular context or set of relations, and then a claim to be a totally different person in another. In the untainted realm of The One known by many as God, there can be no such thing as professional preachers or pastors or gurus or holy people. Here, in this glowing region of interpersonal perfection that many call Love, we must each live complete lives in continuity with the summons of the celestial, and we must do so by making our vocation be equally operative in every space we inhabit.” ~ inspired by C. Andrew Doyle