Day 093o: Reflections of my Soul … (July 16, 2019)

I walked smoothly onward into the day, into and through the village of Santa Catalina, and then just as smoothly passed by Adam and his mother Audrey – two fellow pilgrims who were listening to a Buddhist-sounding podcast by Ajahn Brahm on the nature of disagreement. Intrigued by their warm vibe and unusual manner of learn-walking, I engaged them in conversation – initially about the podcast itself, but soon thereafter about all manner of things: their pilgrimage, pilgrimage in general, kindness, and my Walk. Almost needless to say, they were more than usually fascinated by the latter, and graciously invited me to have lunch with them in the next hamlet (El Ganso). I gratefully accepted their kind offer and, along with Adam’s sister Elisabeth (who had walked ahead and was waiting for us), ended up enjoying one of the liveliest and most love-filled meals I shared on my entire Walk!

It is an absolute certainty that no being can know his or her truest beauty or perceive even a sliver of his or her true worth until the same has been reflected back in the clear mirror that is another loving, caring human being … Such unadulterated fellowship means participation — partaking with and simultaneously sharing with others. And the same is not meant solely for individual believers of any certain creed or dogma, but rather is given in equal measure to every single Soul who participates in any selfless fashion. This is the Fellowship of the Spirit that is is both ever ingrained in the hearts & minds of every sentient being, and that is persistently seeking to expand and include ever more partakers & dispensers of Grace and Love.” ~ inspired by John J. Powell & Henry Hon