Day 093m: Into the Ermita … (July 16, 2019)

As I flowed onward and left Astorga proper, I came to a lovely little wayside chapel – the Ermita de l’Ecce Homo* – on the far outskirts of town …

The Way is the transformation of self which is represented in the humanity of Jesus. Now let the Holy Spirit thunder forth from you similarly … Jesus on the cross, through his self-sacrificial Love, attained human fullness. Now glorified, he has been re-gifted his eternal Spirit.” ~ a rough translation of the two pictured citations hanging on this Ermita’s walls

*Ecce Homo is “behold the man” in English, a translation given in the Latin Vulgate for the portion of John 19:5 where Pontius Pilate presented Jesus to the hostile crowd shortly before his crucifixion.