Day 093k: The first church in town … (July 16, 2019)

As was so often the case, my first stop in town was the first church I encountered, and as was just as often the case, I paused therein to intently utter my standard two prayers – one of gratitude for how far I’d come on my Walk for Peace, and the other of resolve vowing to never cease the same …

The significance of our lives on this, our fragile planet, is ultimately determined only by our own wisdom and courage. We are the custodians of our life’s meaning. Yes, most of us long for a Celestial Parent to care for us or forgive our errors or save us from our childish mistakes. And yet knowledge is ever preferable to ignorance; common sense ever preferable to faith; and kindness & decency ever preferable to mere obedience. In truth it is better by far to embrace a harsh reality than it is to fawn over a more reassuring fable. Indeed, if we crave some cosmic purpose, then let us find ourselves a worthy way thereto.” ~ via Carl Sagan