Day 092f: Finally finding the Final … (July 15, 2019)

I had just given up looking for the donativo hostel where I had been offered refuge back in 2008 when I came across an open doorway that looked strikingly familiar – a doorway that happened indeed to open onto the gutted remnants of that same albergue. And yet now there was nothing left of the grace and warmth that once rested inside – now there was nothing but scatterings of detritus on the floor and various scaffolding careening wildly into the vaulted air. I had indeed finally found what I was looking for – a past that no longer existed; a refuge that lived only in vague-yet-still-hallowed memory; yet another tie to the previous that had been fully severed and not-so-subtly replaced …

We would all do well to remember the actual definition of nostalgia – a combination of the Greek words for return (nostos) and suffering (algos), and as such, we would all do just as well to remember to not spend too much time remembering.” ~ inspired by Milan Kundera