Day 091f: And still I walk The Road … (July 14, 2019)

And the day became hotter and the path became dustier and the air became thicker – and still I walked The Road.

The road will prove difficult, and yet the road must be trod. And neither strength nor wisdom will be enough to carry us far upon it – only courage & perseverance will fulfill the task. And so it is that such quests may be attempted by the weak with as much hope as the mighty, and that the unknown have as much hope of success as the powerful. It is oft the course of these far less certain (and thus far more noble) deeds that move the wheels of the world, and it is far more often that meeker feet end up walking them – walking them against all odds because they somehow must, as the eyes of the great gaze elsewhere while sitting slothful in their cushioned chairs.” ~ inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien

P.S. The two most common mistakes on the Road to Truth happen to be the two most common mistakes on the Road to Love: 01) not commencing the Journey, and 02) not going all the way …