2 Corinthians 3:18 … Paul’s unwitting Awakening (03/11/11)

And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the Glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are in this moment being transformed into the same image – from one degree of Glory to another. ” ~ Paul (2 Corinthians 3:18)

I love this one because a) it is “spot on” & b) it is from Paul.

By far the majority of Paul’s theology actually opposes Jesus’ way of unconditional, active Love, and yet every now and then — as though his Soul just couldn’t help itself — Paul shines forth with an amazing verse or two.  This is one of those verses.

Granted, he probably didn’t intend it as all-lovingly as it sounds, and he probably didn’t comprehend its greater depths (e.g. that we allReady are becoming as the Father in every deed of selfless service), but it’s pretty amazing nonetheless, and I have lived its Truth on a number of occasions.

11 03:11 our Unveiling