John 5:22 … the nature of God (03/05/11)

“The Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son.” ~ Jesus Christ (John 5:22)

Another verse that is critical to the comprehension of Jesus’ Way.  For Jesus, God was/is not an authoritarian ruler poised to condemn anyone (believer or non-believer) for anything.  Rather, Jesus simply possessed a deep understanding of the Truth of actions always leading to commensurate consequences (i.e. we always reap what WE sow).   Selfish sinning has us calling suffering to ourselves, while selfless acts of Kindness bring us inevitable Peace & Joy (Jesus’ “Kingdom of Heaven” in Luke 17:20-21).

Even Luke acknowledged this Truth in Acts when he wrote, God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who reveres Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him.” ~ (Acts 10:34-35)

There is an even more important consequence of this verse, realized when we read either John 8:15 &/or John 12:47, where Jesus makes it clear that he doesn’t condemn anyone either.

Thus, if God doesn’t judge “but gives all judgment to the Son”, and Jesus doesn’t judge, then Jesus is not “the Son” referenced in John 5:22 — we are!  We not only experience the repercussions (the “judgment”) of our selfish choices, but we each also have the ability to transcend the same by engaging in courageous acts of love instead!  (John 10:34-35)

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