Day 069i: Like Son, like FATHER … (June 22, 2019)

The Collegiale de St. Pierre’s cathedral was truly a magnificent (and magnificently calming) work of architecture, with some of its specific symbolism (including the highly unusual icon of Jesus being held by his earthly “father” Joseph, instead of his usual and more-mystical carrier — his mother Mary) being just as remarkable as its overall ambience …

There is no less holiness at this particular time (even this very moment that you are reading these words) than there was on the day the Red Sea parted, and there is not one whit less enlightenment under the tree at the end of your street than there was under Buddha’s famed bo tree. Indeed, in any & every instant the sacred gently caresses you with its fingers. In any & every instant the bush beside your way is fully ablaze.” ~ via Annie Dillard