To stand boldly in their Presence … (11/26/2020)

Well, Thanksgiving has arrived and your preparations have already been made — and many of you have almost certainly chosen to eat turkeys today, or at the very least sit at a table where others are doing so — and to that I say:  Fair enough.  I will continue to LOVE each of you and continue to cherish you no matter what choices you make.

That having been said, please remember that it is never too late to make a statement for Peace & Justice this holiday season; that it is never too late to make a statement against animal cruelty; that you can even make this statement today … To that far more moral end, please consider the following principled possibilities for your Thanksgiving:

*You can sit at the dinner table and politely refuse to eat meat.
(You might even feel fittingly called to wear black for the occasion)

*You can pass out vegan leaflets before or during or after the meal.

*You can joyfully revel in the company of your friends & family before & after your Thanksgiving meal, and yet boycott sitting at the table itself, choosing instead to eat a cruelty-free feast in another room.
(Invite others to join you!)

*And you can offer up an open prayer for the turkeys that did most certainly NOT sacrifice their lives for today’s festivities, but were in actuality brutally murdered for them.

So if you too are a sincere Animal Lover, then it is time to start acting accordingly. Avoid believing the whisperings of your ego telling you that “you are only one among many” & “can’t make a difference”, or convincing you that you will “offend others” or “embarrass yourself”. You might indeed be “only one”, and yet you are a Power-full one. And you might indeed feel a bit embarrassed while standing up against to grave injustice, and yet that discomfort is truly a small price to pay compared to the greatest of prices our animal cousins are paying.

You might indeed feel alone & ineffective today, and yet every action you take to help end animal cruelty will indeed make a difference; every small deed you do to bring attention to the painful plight of farm animals will bring society one step closer to waking up and changing its cruel ways.

BE STRONG today, my Friends …
Be an Animal Lover!

God knows the world needs more of them.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!