How to truly respect my Choice … (08/31/2018)

“I’ve been vegan for a few years now, and one thing I’ve realized is this: when people tell me they respect my choice to be vegan, the main (and, perhaps, only) reason why they say that is because they think that’s gonna shut me up. At the very least, they think that, in return, I’ll tell them I respect their choice to consume animals.

To clarify for all my non-vegan friends: I don’t need or even want your respect. I mean, in the last month alone, I’ve been incorrectly called a libtard, a fascist, a hippie, a Nazi, an SJW, and even a white supremacist… and, honestly, I’m cool with all that — because I simply don’t care. I’m not trying to convince you to like me. I’m not trying to convince you to like the things I write or my methods of advocacy. I’m just trying to convince you that animals have a right to be free from being enslaved and abused and murdered.

And if you think I’m attacking you right now by saying so, just know that I’d never enslave you, rape you, torture you, or murder you in the name of pleasure and convenience. In other words, I’d never treat you the same way you treat my non-human sentient friends.”
~ via Nic