Camino Prayer … (09/29/08)

“The Camino … the Way … the Road …

What is the Camino?

Are we walking for the spiritual within us?

Or are we searching for culture in the villages along the path?

Is it for sport that we walk –  or as a tourist on vacation?

The Camino is not for achievement or sightseeing …

Its challenges are worthy of higher things.

On the Camino you seek and find your Self …

On the Camino you rediscover true Brotherhood …

On the Camino you climb your stairwell of inner Virtues …

The clear aim of Faith is the bold expression of the perfection within us.

Getting to know yourSelf, you become reacquainted with this Christ internal.

The Camino is universal —

Throughout the world there are those who would persecute & exclude,

and yet the Camino shows us another Way.

On the Camino we more readily choose —

to believe that humans are more virtue than vice,

to accept that our mistakes are our opportunities,

to persist in living – to get up again after we fall,

to love from a place of Love as opposed to one of fear,

and to act freely; knowing that Faith is a privilege and not a burden.

When you sense the depths of what Love truly means and truly IS, you will then comprehend all that surrounds you.

There may be signs along your way, and yet your direction of travel must always come courageously from within you.

And to always find your True Path, humbly choose to walk the way that leads towards the betterment of this beautiful world …

Choose to walk for Peace.”

~ inspired by Augusto Losada Lopez