What the Camino teaches … (11/01/08)

What the Camino Teaches …

Traditional wisdom teaches us that life is not about suffering, but rather a call to “be happy”.

The Camino teaches us that true Joy comes not with less pain or more pleasure, but rather during the transcendence of our discomforts via acts of Kindness.

Traditional wisdom teaches us that your health is your most valuable possession.

The Camino teaches us that health is meaningless unless used to further another’s sense of true Health (i.e. their calm or outer joy).

Traditional wisdom teaches us that abundance is everywhere and that all of us have a right to be wealthy.

The Camino teaches us that true Wealth comes from appreciating what we already have by giving it joyfully (or using it willingly) for the betterment of others.

Traditional wisdom teaches us that we are allowed to co-create whatever we desire.

The Camino teaches us that the Universe loves us so much, that every one of our self-centered desires is inevitably taken from us –  thereby freeing us to Love.

Traditional wisdom teaches us to keep striving for a “better life.”

The Camino teaches us that, life is perfect as IS – and if it isn’t broken, don’t fix it … You already have it, so stop looking for it!

Traditional wisdom teaches us that we need to establish “healthy boundaries” in order to not let anyone divert us from our own “perfect path”.

The Camino teaches us that our true Purpose is choosing to intimately connect with others’ that we may then more easily relieve their burdens.

Traditional wisdom teaches us that letting go of others allows them to finally love us “correctly”.

The Camino teaches us that compassionate detachment allows us to finally Love others.