Day 063b: An international Interconnection … (06/16/2019)

This pilgrim’s rest-stop was completely deserted so early in the morning, and yet its fog-enshrined emptiness provided a vision of great beauty nonetheless, and its multinational scallop-shell tribute provided a vision of great hope for a greater world peace … 🙂

“To really change the world, we have to help others alter the way they see their surroundings. Global betterment is much more than a mental process, though not one that requires huge sums of money or a high level of authority. Change has to be behavioral to be profoundly effective, and it has to be psychological before it can be behavioral. So if we want to see real positive change in the world, we need to be boldly persistent in educating everyone around us on how similar we all are at heart. It is not enough to be willing to be the change you want to see in the world. We have to have the wherewithal to so radically embody that change that all those around you see the same – and thereby become motivated to be that change alongside you. This is how humanity will evolve towards harmony instead of self-immolation. This is how you can truly change the world.” ~ Suzy Kassem