Day 062c: Amongst the endless Abodes … (06/15/2019)
These oddly lovely stone huts (used by local shepherds, ostensibly) were sprinkled throughout the fields I saw along The Way this morning … :O
“Such places exist amongst the endless abodes of every sacred space – urban or rural; places that serve as sanctuaries from the present, fully immune to the hustle and bustle of the everyday, thickly veiling the sound and fury of man’s struggles for wealth and asssuredness – struggles made mightily, and yet struggles that in the end change nothing. And in many of these humble havens, like long unopened books sitting upon dusty shelves, there reside people filled with an ancient knowing that has somehow been saved from extinction. And yet buried as they are by time, therein abides yet viable seeds of wisdom awaiting the proper condition for germination. Indeed from such oft-forgotten places as these inevitably springs, in some future unsure & unforeseen, a gigantic oak of truth whose day has come.” ~ inspired by James Rozoff