Day 60s: Choosing to walk gently … (06/13/2019)

“Through my life, I choose to walk gently. I choose to treat all of life – the earth and all its sentient residents – with respect and with reverence. I choose to remove my shoes in the presence of holy ground — while remembering that all ground is holy. As much as possible, I choose to walk in peace — while remembering that the choice of kindness is always available.

I choose to walk lightly, even joyfully, through whatever days I am given. I choose to step carefully in and out of people’s lives and my relationships — even with animals; even with strangers; even with enemies. I refuse to tread any heavier than necessary — while remembering that it is never necessary to tread heavily.

And throughout the rest of my life, I will choose to walk with more humility and less indignation, more love and less fear, more compassion and less condemnation, more caring and less callousness. I choose to walk boldly, and yet without arrogance. I choose to walk in deep appreciation of beauty, and yet ever with an eye open to those in need.

My life is a journey, no doubt, and as such how I choose to walk that journey is important. I choose to walk it gently.” ~ inspired by Steve Goodier